Etiqueta: Boris Yeltsin

  • Resignation speech

    Dear Russians, very little time remains to a momentous date in our history. The year 2000 is upon us, a new century, a new millennium. We have all measured this date against ourselves, working out – first in childhood, then after we grew up – how old we would be in the year 2000, how…

  • Russia’s next president is Vladimir Putin

    Esteemed Russians, today I signed a decree on elections to the State Duma. They will be held on 19 December exactly on time, as envisaged by the constitution and the law. The election marathon has been effectively launched. «This will be a very complicated and responsible period. This is why I ask you to be…

  • On economic reforms

    Dear members of the government and parliament. The joint meeting is caused by extraordinary circumstances. In many countries the world financial crisis has led to a serious reconsideration of the role and place of the state in the modern-day economy. It is also acute for Russia, which is carrying out a most difficult transfer to…

  • Climbed up on a tank

    Citizens of Russia: On the night of 18-19 August 1991, the legally elected president of the country was removed from power. Regardless of the reasons given for his removal, we are dealing with a rightist, reactionary, anti-constitutional coup. Despite all the difficulties and severe trials being experienced by the people, the democratic process in the…