Etiqueta: Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Netanyahu y la vacuna electoral

    ROGER ROSICH El próximo 23 de marzo Israel regresa a las urnas. Otra vez. Algunas cosas, pero, se han movido en la política israelí en los últimos meses, siempre manteniendo a Netanyahu al centro. Con cuatro millones y medio de israelís vacunados (con el ritmo al que van, esto quedará desfasado muy rápido), Benjamin Netanyahu…

  • There is no war more just than that

    BENJAMIN NETANYAHU The heart of the entire nation is with the families of the fallen. We feel your pain. We bow our head to your sons who fell so that we can continue living here. On behalf of the Government and the entire People of Israel, I would like to express the deep pain that…

  • Against the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza

    BENJAMIN NETANYAHU In recent days and weeks, Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in Gaza have made normal life impossible for over one million Israelis. No government would tolerate a situation where nearly a fifth of its peopl e live under a constant barrage of rockets and missile fire, and Israel will not tolerate this…

  • Speech to the United Nations General Assembly

    BENJAMIN NETANYAHU It’s a pleasure to see the General Assembly presided by the Ambassador from Israel, and it’s good to see all of you, distinguished delegates. Ladies and Gentlemen, Three thousand years ago, King David reigned over the Jewish state in our eternal capital, Jerusalem. I say that to all those who proclaim that the…