Etiqueta: Barack Obama


    Renegades: Born in the USA is a series of conversations between President Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen about their lives, music, and enduring love of America – despite all its challenges. They will discuss about the American society, politics, the challenges of the future generations … A conversation between friends about relevant topics. ESCUCHAR

  • Barack Obama: Camino hacia el cambio

    Barack Obama comenzó su carrera política como Senador y pronto empezó a darse a conocer a lo largo del país. Tras su triunfo en las elecciones de noviembre de 2008, se convirtió en el primer presidente negro de Estados Unidos. Las realizadoras Amy Rice y Alicia Sams no dudaron en recopilar todas las imágenes posibles…

  • Obama y un discurso de nostalgia

    ANDRÉS OBANDO Un Barack Obama con varias más canas que cuando dejó la Casa Blanca en enero de 2017 sentado en lo que parece ser la sala de su hogar, con una estantería blanca de fondo llena de fotografías, libros, objetos decorativos, una pelota de baloncesto y muchos recuerdos; con una chaqueta azul y una…

  • Making Obama podcast

    Making Obama podcast

    Former President Barack Obama — along with key advisers, mentors, and rivals — tells the story of his climb from Chicago to the national stage. Season One of Making told the story of how Oprah built a media empire. Now, the story of how Chicago shaped the country’s first African-American president. ENLACE

  • La audacia de la esperanza

    ¿Está la nación más poderosa de la tierra, la potencia hegemónica, preparada para la transformación política y moral que propone Barack Obama? ¿Puede un político afroamericano, cristiano, brillante abogado, antiguo profesor de Derecho Constitucional y defensor de los derechos civiles conducir los destinos de EE.UU.? Senador por el estado de Illinois, Obama se dio a…

  • Barack Obama’s Speech in the Leaders Summit on Refugees

    BARACK OBAMA Thank you. (Applause.) Yusra, we could not be prouder of you — not just for the great introduction, but more importantly, for your courage and your resilience and the great example that you’re setting for children everywhere, including your eight-year-old sister, who I know must look up to you. (Applause.) Good afternoon. Mr.…

  • Barack Obama’s Speech on the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly

    BARACK OBAMA Mr. President; Mr. Secretary General; fellow delegates; ladies and gentlemen: As I address this hall as President for the final time, let me recount the progress that we’ve made these last eight years. From the depths of the greatest financial crisis of our time, we coordinated our response to avoid further catastrophe and…

  • Barack Obama’s Speech in Orlando after the attack

    BARACK OBAMA Four days ago, this community was shaken by an evil and hateful act. Today, we are reminded of what is good. That there is compassion, empathy and decency, and most of all, there is love. That’s the Orlando that we’ve seen in recent days. And that is the America that we have seen.…

  • Barack Obama’s Speech on Mass Shooting in Orlando

    BARACK OBAMA Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder — a horrific massacre — of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it’s still early in the…

  • Discurso del Presidente Obama al Pueblo Cubano

    BARACK OBAMA Gracias. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Presidente Castro, el pueblo cubano, muchas gracias por la cálida bienvenida que he recibido, que mi familia ha recibido, y que nuestra delegación ha recibido. Es un extraordinario honor estar hoy aquí. Antes de comenzar, si me lo permiten, quiero mencionar los ataques terroristas que han…