Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Discurso de Mauricio Macri. Hallazgo del submarino ARA San Juan

    MAURICIO MACRI Buenas tardes. El Ministerio de Defensa confirmó que el equipo de búsqueda del Ocean Infinity reportó que los restos del Submarino ARA San Juan fueron hallados en un área cercana a donde se había reportado por última vez. Es una noticia que nos produce un enorme dolor, la confirmación de la muerte de…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel to the European Parliament

    ANGELA MERKEL President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Members of Parliament, Commissioners, Ladies and gentlemen, Nearly 50 years ago, Walter Hallstein, the former German Commission President, referred to European integration as an “endeavour of unparalleled boldness”. The year was 1969, ten years before the first direct European elections took…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel on the Centenary of women’s suffrage

    ANGELA MERKEL Federal Minister Giffey, Minister-President, Former Women’s and Family Ministers, Parliamentary State Secretaries, State Secretaries, Mayors, Ladies and gentlemen, When Marie Juchacz, about whom we have already heard today, became the first woman to give a speech in the National Assembly in February 1919, she began by saying “Gentlemen and ladies”. Merely addressing the…

  • Discours d’Emmanuel Macron au forum de Paris sur la paix

    Mes chers amis, Mesdames, Messieurs les Chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement, Chers amis, Je souhaitais juste prononcer ici quelques mots d’accueil. De ces cérémonies du centenaire de l’Armistice de 1918, l’histoire retiendra sans doute une image : celle de 84 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement des Nations autrefois belligérantes, réunis à Paris sous l’Arc de…

  • Speech by Angela Merkel at the World Health Summit

    ANGELA MERKEL Prime Minister, my friend Erna Solberg, Director-General Tedros, My friend Bill Gates, Professor Ganten, Fellow members of the Bundestag, My colleague Gerd Müller, Ladies and gentlemen, Health – who doesn’t wish for it? There is hardly any other issue that people are more concerned about, precisely because it affects each and every one…

  • Discurso de Mauricio Macri. Inauguración del Metrobus Oeste (Morón)

    MAURICIO MACRI Buenos días Morón, buenos días. Qué alegría, María Eugenia, Ramiro, Guillo y todo el equipo que están acá inaugurando un nuevo Metrobús, y ya van trece, trece en todo el país. Y está avanzando el de Quilmes, y el de Neuquén, que en pocos meses más lo vamos a estar inaugurando. Es una…

  • Theresa May speech to the 73 UN General Assembly

    THERESA MAY On behalf of the United Kingdom let me begin by paying tribute to an outstanding leader of this United Nations, who sadly passed away this summer. Kofi Annan was one of the great Secretaries General, a tireless campaigner for peace and progress, and a champion of human rights and human dignity – whose…

  • Shinzo Abe speech at the Seventy-Third Session of the United Nations General Assembly

    SHINZO ABE Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I have been accorded the privilege of continuing to serve as Japan’s helmsman for the next three years. As I address the General Assembly today for the sixth consecutive year, I do so with a feeling of renewed resolve. In the three years to come, I will do…

  • Discurso de Pedro Sánchez en la 73 Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas

    PEDRO SÁNCHEZ Buenas tardes, secretario general. Naciones Unidas nació en 1945 con un objetivo bien claro, era mantener la paz y la seguridad internacional. Es evidente que en los más de 70 años de vida de esta organización, la naturaleza de los conflictos ha evolucionado, el número de misiones se ha multiplicado y la complejidad…

  • Donald Trump speech. 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

    DONALD TRUMP Madam President, Mr. Secretary-General, world leaders, ambassadors, and distinguished delegates: One year ago, I stood before you for the first time in this grand hall. I addressed the threats facing our world, and I presented a vision to achieve a brighter future for all of humanity. Today, I stand before the United Nations…