Autor: DiscursosBP
Democratic Socialism in the United States
en DiscursosBERNIE SANDERS In his inaugural remarks in January 1937, in the midst of the Great Depression, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt looked out at the nation and this is what he saw. He saw tens of millions of its citizens denied the basic necessities of life. He saw millions of families trying to live on incomes…
Justin Trudeau’s speech: As a prime minister of Canada
en DiscursosJUSTIN TRUDEAU Canadians from all across this country sent a message that it is time for real change, and I am deeply honoured by the faith they have placed in my team and me. Canadians chose a positive and optimistic plan for the future, and we will immediately begin implementing our plan for a strong…
Discurso en la noche electoral de las elecciones Generales a presidente
en DiscursosMAURICIO MACRI ¡Buenas noches! La verdad que esto es mucha emoción, mucha felicidad, y a uno le da muchas ganas de agradecer. Hoy, lo que ya ha sucedido en el día de hoy cambia la política de este país. Y a mi me ha pasado que cada vez que me ha sucedido algo que ha…
Indigitaçao do Primeiro-Ministro a Passos Coelho
en DiscursosANIBAL CAVACO SILVA Portugueses Na Comunicaçao ao País que realizei no dia 6 de outubro, afirmei que Portugal necessita de uma soluçao governativa que assegure a estabilidade política. Referi também que essa soluçao governativa deve dar garantias firmes de que respeitará os compromissos internacionais historicamente assumidos pelo Estado portugues e as grandes opçies estratégicas adotadas…
Adress to the President of Syria Bashar Assad
en DiscursosVLADIMIR PUTIN Mr President, Let me wish you a warm welcome to Moscow. Despite the dramatic situation in your country, you have responded to our request and come here to Russia, and we thank you for this. We took the decision upon your request to provide effective aid to the Syrian people in fighting the…
Statement to the European Parliament
en DiscursosANGELA MERKEL President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Distinguished colleagues at the European Parliament, Ladies and gentlemen, The last time a French President and a German Chancellor jointly addressed the European Parliament was in November 1989. François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl spoke together here in Strasbourg shortly…
70th session of the UN General Assembly
en DiscursosVLADIMIR PUTIN Mr. Secretary General, Distinguished heads of state and government, Ladies and gentlemen, The 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to both take stock of history and talk about our common future. In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay a solid foundation for the postwar…
Intervention devant l’Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des Nations unies
en DiscursosFRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Secrétaire général, Mesdames, Messieurs, Notre organisation, l’ONU, célèbre son 70e anniversaire. Des progrès immenses ont été accomplis depuis cette création, celle d’une institution chargée de maintenir la paix. Elle y est parvenue dans de nombreuses occasions. Et pourtant, 70 ans après, il y a toujours des drames, des…
Visita a las Naciones Unidas
en DiscursosPAPA FRANCISCO I Señor Presidente, Señoras y Señores: Buenos días. Una vez más, siguiendo una tradición de la que me siento honrado, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas ha invitado al Papa a dirigirse a esta honorable Asamblea de las Naciones. En nombre propio y en el de toda la comunidad católica, Señor Ban…
My vision for a smarter state
en DiscursosDAVID CAMERON I said on the steps of Downing Street, this would be a ‘one nation’ government, on the side of working people. Spreading opportunity, increasing social mobility, helping people to get on – these aims run through this government like letters through a stick of rock. Central to all this is being the government…