Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Discurso del Presidente Obama al Pueblo Cubano

    BARACK OBAMA Gracias. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Muchas gracias. Presidente Castro, el pueblo cubano, muchas gracias por la cálida bienvenida que he recibido, que mi familia ha recibido, y que nuestra delegación ha recibido. Es un extraordinario honor estar hoy aquí. Antes de comenzar, si me lo permiten, quiero mencionar los ataques terroristas que han…

  • Discours de François Hollande sur les Attentats à Bruxelles

    FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE Messieurs les Ministres, Messieurs, Mesdames, Nous sommes réunis aujourd’hui en Conseil de l’attractivité, mais vous n’ignorez rien de ce qui vient de se produire à Bruxelles où de lâches et odieux attentats ont été perpétrés, faisant de nombreux morts et plusieurs dizaines de blessés. Je tiens ici à exprimer ma solidarité, mon amitié…

  • Apertura de la Asamblea legislativa

    MAURICIO MACRI Señores gobernadores, señores miembros de la Corte Suprema, representantes de gobiernos extranjeros, invitados especiales, integrantes del Congreso, muy queridos argentinos: esta es mi primera apertura de sesiones como presidente y me alegra mucho hacerlo en un contexto de optimismo como el que se vive hoy en la Argentina. Y lo comparto, porque hemos…

  • Address following adoption of a joint statement by Russia and US on Syria

    VLADIMIR PUTIN I just had a telephone conversation with President of the United States of America Barack Obama. The phone call was initiated by the Russian side, but the interest was certainly mutual. During our conversation, we approved joint statements of Russia and the US, as co-chairs of the ISSG, on the cessation of hostilities…

  • On the Passing of the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

    BARACK OBAMA Good evening, everybody. For almost 30 years, Justice Antonin “Nino” Scalia was a larger-than-life presence on the bench — a brilliant legal mind with an energetic style, incisive wit, and colorful opinions. He influenced a generation of judges, lawyers, and students, and profoundly shaped the legal landscape. He will no doubt be remembered…

  • Victory speech on New Hampshire primary

    BERNIE SANDERS Thank you, New Hampshire. (APPLAUSE) Shortly after the polls closed, Secretary Clinton called and was very gracious in her congratulations. I thank her for her call, and I congratulate her and her supporters for the vigorous campaign that they ran in New Hampshire. And, let me take this opportunity to thank the many,…

  • Supporting Syria and the Region conference

    ANGELA MERKEL Secretary-General Ban, Emir Al-Sabah,Your Majesty King Abdullah, Prime Minister DavutoÄŸlu, Prime Minister Salam, Erna Solberg, David Cameron, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me also to thank David Cameron and the British Government for their hospitality here in London. Ladies and gentlemen, the film that we saw at the beginning serves as another striking…

  • Speech at Islamic Society of Baltimore

    BARACK OBAMA Well, good afternoon. And, Sabah, thank you for the wonderful introduction and for your example — your devotion to your faith and your education, and your service to others. You’re an inspiration. You’re going to be a fantastic doctor. And I suspect, Sabah, your parents are here because they wanted to see you…

  • Victory speech in Iowa

    TED CRUZ Support a candidate who spent decades of his life fighting to defend life and marriage and religious liberty. If you want a candidate to defend the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, then ask of every candidate, “Where were you in the spring of 2013 when Barack Obama and Harry Reid…

  • Speech on EU reform

    DAVID CAMERON It is great to be with Siemens, a business that believes so much in Britain and has invested so much in Britain and we want you to go on doing that. And as you say, today, I want to talk to you about this vital issue of Britain and Europe because we have…