Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Le tiers état se constitue en Assemblée nationale

    Chacun de vous sent, Messieurs, combien il serait facile aujourd’hui d’essayer, par un discours véhément, de nous porter à des résolutions extrêmes ; vos droits sont si évidents, vos réclamations si simples, et les procédés des deux ordres si manifestement irréguliers, leurs principes tellement insoutenables, que le parallèle en serait au-dessous de l’attente publique. Que…

  • Amendments to the United States Constitution

    I am sorry to be accessary to the loss of a single moment of time by the house. If I had been indulged in my motion, and we had gone into a committee of the whole, I think we might have rose, and resumed the consideration of other business before this time; that is, so…

  • Tha Abolition speech

    When I consider the magnitude of the subject which I am to bring before the House-a subject, in which the interests, not of this country, nor of Europe alone, but of the whole world, and of posterity, are involved: and when I think, at the same time, on the weakness of the advocate who has…

  • First Inaugural Address in the City of New York

    Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives: AMONG the vicissitudes incident to life no event could have filled me with greater anxieties than that of which the notification was transmitted by your order, and received on the 14th day of the present month. On the one hand, I was summoned by my…

  • New states from territories

    Mr. Chairman: I hope, sir, as the honorable gentleman on my left set the example of debating the merits, that whatever may result as consequences of that example, it may not be attributed to me. I hope that I shall be indulged in offering a few words in addition to what has been said. Gentlemen…

  • At the Virginia Convention debate of the ratification of the Constitution

    Mr. HENRY. I have thought, and still think, that a full investigation of the actual situation of America ought to precede any decision of this great and important question. That government is no more than a choice among evils, is acknowledged by the most intelligent among mankind, and has been a standing maxim for ages.…

  • Speech On Ratification Of Federal Constitution

    IVE ME leave to say something of the nature of the government, and to show that it is perfectly safe and just to vest it with the power of taxation. There are a number of opinions; but the principal question is, whether it be a federal or a consolidated government . . . I myself…

  • Shall Liberty or Empire Be Sought?

    THIS, sir, is the language of democracy – that a majority of the community have a right to alter government when found to be oppressive. But how different is the genius of your new Constitution from this! How different from the sentiments of freemen that a contemptible minority can prevent the good of the majority!…

  • Final draft of the Constitution

    Mr. President I confess that there are several parts of this constitution which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them: For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information, or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which…

  • Constitutional Convention Address on Prayer

    Mr. President: The small progress we have made after 4 or five weeks close attendance & continual reasonings with each other — our different sentiments on almost every question, several of the last producing as many noes as ays, is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding. We indeed seem to…