Autor: DiscursosBP

  • Removing troops from Boston

    MY LORDS–After more than six weeks’ possession of the papers now before you, on a subject so momentous, at a time when the fate of this nation hangs on every hour, the ministry have at length condescended to submit to the consideration of this House, intelligence from America with which your Lordships and the public…

  • Speech to Continental Congress

    If we sincerely mean to accommodate the difference between the two countries, and to establish their union on more firm and constitutional principles, we must take into consideration a number of facts which led the Parliament to pass the acts complained of, since the year 1763, and the real state of the Colonies. A clear…

  • Quartering british troops in Boston

    MY LORDS,–The unfavorable state of health under which I have long labored, could not prevent me from laying before your Lordships my thoughts on the bill now upon the table, and on the American affairs in general. If we take a transient view of those motives which induced the ancestors of our fellow-subjects in America…

  • Candidus. Organizing Assemblies of the People

    Perhaps no measure that has been taken by the Town of Boston during our present Struggles for Liberty, has thwarted the designs of our enemies more than their Votes and Proceedings on the 20th of November last.1 If we take a Retrospect of two or three Years past, we shall find that what our “Pretended…

  • The right of taxing America

    MR. SPEAKER,–I came to town but to-day. I was a stranger to the tenor of his Majesty’s speech, and the proposed address, till I heard them read in this House. Unconnected and unconsulted, I have not the means of information. I am fearful of offending through mistake, and therefore beg to be indulged with a…

  • The Defence Of Weaker States

    My Lords, I cannot agree with the noble duke, that nothing less than an immediate attack upon the honour or interest of this nation can authorize us to interpose in defence of weaker states, and in stopping the enterprises of an ambitious neighbour. Whenever that narrow, selfish policy has prevailed in our councils, we have…

  • Defense of the American Colonies

    Gentlemen, Sir, I have been charged with giving birth to sedition in America. They have spoken their sentiments with freedom against this unhappy act, and that freedom has become their crime. Sorry I am to hear the liberty of speech in this House, imputed as a crime. No gentleman ought to be afraid to exercise…

  • Discurso al Parlamento de París

    Es sólo en mi persona donde reside el poder soberano, cuyo carácter propio es el espíritu de consejo, de justicia y de razón; es a mí a quien deben mis cortesanos su existencia y su autoridad; la plenitud de su autoridad que ellos no ejercen más que en mi nombre reside siempre en mí y…

  • Discours de la flagellation

    Ce qui s’est passé dans nos parlements de Pau et de Rennes, ne regarde pas mes autres parlements. J’en ai usé, à l’égard de ces deux cours, comme il importait à mon autorité et je n’en dois compte à personne. Je n’aurais pas d’autre réponse à faire à tant de remontrances qui m’ont été faites…