Año: 1992

Aceptación del premio Nobel

Honorables señores del Comité Nobel de la Paz, Sus majestades los Reyes de Noruega, Excelentísima señora Primer Ministro, Excelentísimos miembros de gobiernos…

Annus Horribilis

My Lord Mayor, Could I say, first, how delighted I am that the Lady Mayoress is here today. This great hall…

Europe and the World Speech

The Danish referendum has already narrowly said “no” to the Treaty. The combination of that and of a French…

The River of Time and the Imperative

Here we stand, before a sculpture in which the sculptor’s imagination and fantasy, with remarkable expressiveness and laconism, convey…

Discurs d’investidura (1992)

Molt honorable senyor, senyores i senyors diputats, en compliment de l’encàrrec que em va fer el molt honorable president…