Mikhail Gorbachev

Meeting Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev, expresidente de la URSS y principal responsable del final de la Guerra Fría, entabla una larga conversación…

The River of Time and the Imperative

Here we stand, before a sculpture in which the sculptor’s imagination and fantasy, with remarkable expressiveness and laconism, convey…

Farewell Address

Dear fellow countrymen, compatriots. Due to the situation which has evolved as a result of the formation of the…

Dissolving the Soviet Union (USSR)

Dear compatriots, fellow citizens, as a result of the newly formed situation, creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States,…

Acceptance Speech: The Nobel Peace Prize

Your Majesty, Esteemed Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Ladies and gentlemen, I have been requested by the President of…

Drastic cuts in the Soviet military presence in Eastern Europe

Two great revolutions, the French revolution of 1789 and the Russian revolution of 1917, have exerted a powerful influence…